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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Washington Post Reviews "The Man from Beijing".

The Man from Beijing by Henning Mankell has been on my to-read radar for a while.  After reading Maureen Corrigan's review of the book in the Washington Post, it has moved to the top of the list.  According to Corrigan:
It may not be flawless, but Henning Mankell's "The Man From Beijing" is a great mystery that belongs in the company of other knockout masterpieces of moral complexity and atmosphere like Dorothy Sayers's "The Nine Tailors," Robert Goddard's "Beyond Recall," Barbara Vine's "A Dark-Adapted Eye" and Mankell's own brilliant 2002 gloomfest, "One Step Behind." The new novel's ambitious plotting alone should be dissected and taught in MFA programs where, these days, the craft of storytelling seems to rank far below the poetics of the acknowledgements page in terms of literary value.

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